Legal Regulation and Necessity of Improving Legislation on Constitutional Right to Information

Keywords: public services, state policy, state administration, state paternalism


The paper considers issues related to the Ukraine-2020 Sustainable Development Strategy which de nes the purpose, movement vectors, road map, high priorities, and indicators of the
appropriate defense, socio-economic, organizational, political and legal conditions for the formation and development of Ukraine. The key task is to create a positive image of Ukraine as a European,
democratic, competitive state with a favorable business climate, its unique place in the global division of labor, and integrated into global added-value chains. Over the recent years, there has
been a rapid development of ICT and their wide application in public administration. However, the problem of an inadequate normative and legal basis for the information society still remains, which
complicates the introduction of e-governance elements and the e-government itself into the life activity of the society, the state, and business agents. One of Ukraine’s key priorities is to build an information society that is oriented to satisfy the interests of its people; a society that is open to all and is aimed at development, in which every individual could produce and accumulate information and knowledge, have a free access to them, use and share them in order to provide an opportunity for every person to ful ll their own potential to the full extent, contributing to the social and personal development and raising the living standards. In the recent years, Ukraine has been regarded by the EU and the entire world as one of the most promising, in the long view, countries of Central and Eastern Europe for investment in the IT market. To take those positions, it is of paramount importance for Ukraine of today to optimize the research and development in the IT-sphere, train skilled IT-staff, create the favorable conditions for investment, and develop public-private partnership. It is also necessary to fundamentally review the normative-legal and designing framework for ensuring the development of information society.


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Author Biography

Serhiy Stepanenko

Doctor of Public Administration, Deputy Director of the German School Information Technology DITS, Kharkіv


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Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 15, 2013 No. 386-р “On Approval of the Strategy of the Information Society Development in Ukraine”. URL: -2013% D1% 80 [in Ukrainian].

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Law of Ukraine dated October 2, 1992 No. 2657–XII “About information” URL:

Information and analytical report on the activities of the State Agency for Science, Innovation and Informatization of Ukraine in 2012. URL: [in Ukrainian].

Directive 2009/140 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 Novemder 2009 amending Directive 2002/21 / EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19 / EC.

Law of Ukraine dated January 13, 2011 No. 2939-VI “On access to public information”. URL: [in Ukrainian].

Law of Ukraine dated March 18, 2004 No. 1629-IV “On the National Program of Adaptation of Ukrainian Legislation to the Law of the European Union”. URL: [in Ukrainian].

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How to Cite
Stepanenko, S. (2019). Legal Regulation and Necessity of Improving Legislation on Constitutional Right to Information . Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 1(64), 43-49.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine