Public Services in the Process of the State Policy Implementation in Ukraine

Keywords: public services, state policy, state administration, state paternalism


The article is devoted to the current problem - public services in the process of implementation of state policy in Ukraine, as a determining factor in ensuring the realization of the rights of the
citizens. It was found that scientists in the  eld of state administration are debating concerning the development of the domestic sphere of service provision by executive authorities due to
inconsistencies in understanding the essence, content and principles of the modern service state. As a result, different terms and interpretations are appeared from their constructions.
It is noted that clari cation of the essence of state policy and public services is extremely important for understanding their relationship with public administration. In order to have reason to call
the policy as state, actions on its formation should be initiated in accordance with state procedures, be in the sphere of state in uence and carried out by state institutions. State administration is the
mechanism of government for the implementation of state policy, in particular, the meaning of state policy largely predetermines the content and technology of state administration, and its basis is the
strategic guidelines of society.
It was found that the effective formation and implementation of administration services requires the implementation of appropriate policies of the authorities in order to build a capable service
state. Modern understanding of administration services covers all activities of state authorities and local self-government bodies, which are committed in the interests of both an individual citizen and
society as a whole. State and administration services should be considered as the function of the modern service state, since their provision is conditioned by the powers of the particular authority
to which they belong.

It was noted that the idea of publicity of services is not inherent in Ukrainian society, but is used mainly in Western European state administration systems, and its origin is associated with the
need to separate activities to ensure socially important needs from private service, which aims to make a pro t. In the context of implementing European model of service state in Ukraine, the meaning of the term “public services” does not meet the requirements of domestic legislation. At the same time, administrative services, through the use of both the executive and administrative tool of service
activity, greatly narrows the scope of their application, which does not take into account the process of implementing the service-oriented state policy for the provision of public goods in general. The
institution of administration services arises in the process of implementing the service-oriented state policy aimed at ensuring social development under the in uence of certain economic, administrative and legal preconditions.


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Author Biography

Victor Stepanov, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv

Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Business, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv


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How to Cite
Stepanov, V. (2019). Public Services in the Process of the State Policy Implementation in Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 1(64), 36-42.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine