Conceptual approaches and features of multi-level governance in eu countries: experience for Ukraine

Keywords: multi-level governance, approaches to multi-level governance in EU countries, decentralization, good governance in Ukraine.


The article analyzes the conceptual approaches and features of multilevel governance. The main attention is focused on the applied aspects of multilevel governance based on the experience of EU countries, as well as identifying opportunities for its adaptation to modern conditions of public policy implementation, development of multilevel governance and improvement of decentralization processes in Ukraine.
It is found and proven that the features and approaches to multilevel governance in EU countries are of significant importance and can effectively influence the formation of a system of proper multilevel governance in Ukraine, in particular: the experience of Poland, which consists in the functioning of a three-level system of governance, which includes the central, voivodeship and local levels, as well as expanded powers of voivodeships in the field of regional development; the experience of Germany, which provides for strong autonomy of lands (regions), which allows for effective resolution of local problems while simultaneously ensuring effective coordination between levels of government, which is a key element of success; the experience of Sweden, which has one of the most decentralized governance systems in Europe, where municipalities play a key role in providing services to the population, where the key factor for success is the financial autonomy of local authorities.
The introduction of areas of improvement for the formation of an appropriate system of multi-level governance in Ukraine is justified: strengthening institutional mechanisms: creating effective mechanisms for coordination between levels of government; financial autonomy: providing local authorities with greater financial independence; benchmarking from European experience: adapting the best practices of EU countries, such as e-government (Estonia) and regionalization (Poland); ensuring transparency and accountability: introducing mechanisms to ensure transparency in the use of resources.


Author Biography

Valentyn Suvorov, Kharkiv National Medical University, 4 Nauky Avenue, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration,
Assistant Professor of the Department of Public Health and Health Care Management
of the Kharkiv National Medical University, 4 Nauky avenue, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Suvorov, V. (2025). Conceptual approaches and features of multi-level governance in eu countries: experience for Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(79), 363–376.
Directions of Local Government System Reformation in Ukraine