Prospects of standardization of methodological support of forensic expert activities in Ukraine

Keywords: forensic examination activities, international standards, standardization, methodological support, national standards.


Standardization, based on the latest achievements of science, technology and practical experience, is the most important tool for improving quality, and also determines progressive and, very importantly, economically optimal solutions to many tasks. To create conditions that ensure high-quality forensic examinations and increase the efficiency of expert proceedings, a rational system of standards is necessary, which will cover all “life cycles” of forensic examination, however, the standardization of methodological materials for conducting forensic examinations has always been considered a priority. The purpose of this article is to study the issues of standardization of methodological support for forensic expertise, in particular: to find out the level of international cooperation in the implementation of standardization mechanisms, to establish whether the implementation of standardization is a mechanism that will contribute to achieving a single methodological approach, to outline the prospects for standardization of methodological support for forensic expertise in Ukraine.
The high requirements of the judiciary for the objectification of evidence determine the current trends in the development of forensic expertise. In the context of globalization of all spheres of human activity, given the realities of Ukrainian reality, associated with the intensification of European and Euro-Atlantic integration processes, the direct use of armed force against Ukraine, the need to counter growing transnational crime, international terrorism, economic crimes, illegal migration and other challenges of the time, standardization is the main organizational mechanism for achieving and maintaining a high level of quality of forensic expertise, the reliability of expert opinions and increasing the efficiency of expert proceedings.
The value of international standards in the field of forensic examination lies in their universality, i.e. the possibility of application in any forensic institution, regardless of the country, departmental affiliation and organizational structure. The provisions of the standards developed by ISO/TC 272 should be taken into account when developing national standards in the field of forensic examination, supporting compliance with the principles of interdependence, consistency and continuity in standardization. To improve the quality of forensic examination activities, it is necessary to develop and strengthen cooperation between forensic institutions of Ukraine and international organizations on standardization issues both through joint work in ISO/TC 272 and through participation in various formats of communication offered by regional networks of operating forensic examination laboratories.


Author Biography

Nataliia Martynenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, 31, Povitroflotsky Avenue, Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine

Ph.D. in the field of Public Management and Administration
Associate Professor of the Department of Law and Public Administration,
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture,
31, Povitroflotsky Avenue, Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Martynenko, N. (2025). Prospects of standardization of methodological support of forensic expert activities in Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(79), 328–341.
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