State policy in the field of preservation of notarial archives under the conditions of marital state

Keywords: martial law, state notary office, private notary, state notary archive, archive preservation, notary office and archive documents, digitization.


The conduct of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine has led to the emergence of a number of issues that have not been resolved or have been resolved without understanding the specifics of martial law, in particular, regarding the preservation of notarial records and archives of state notary offices, state notary archives, and private notaries.
The article analyzes some problematic aspects related to the regulatory regulation of the implementation of measures to preserve notarial archives, including judicial practice.
The issue of preserving documents stored in state notary offices and state notary archives is currently mostly regulated, which cannot be said about the preservation of notarial records and archives that are in the use and possession of private notaries. It is the notary who is obliged to take care of the preservation of notarial records and archives, preventing their damage or destruction, however, in conditions of martial law and hostilities, there is currently no real opportunity for a private notary to take out his archives without violating the requirements of the law in one way or another. In turn, such violations can entail serious liability, because the current legislation provides for a sanction in the form of cancellation of the certificate of the right to engage in notarial activities for the loss of the archive.
The publication makes proposals for amendments to the current legislation, the main purpose of which is the transfer of notarial documents of private notaries to the notarial archive in an orderly manner. It is proposed to restore the norms that allowed private notaries to transfer documents for temporary storage to the state archive, to allow the storage of archives in safe places other than the private notary’s workplace, which have appropriate conditions for preserving notarial secrecy, and also provide protection against damage, even in other regions, if necessary to ensure their preservation.
Along with the issue of creating storage facilities, including underground ones, to store archives that will be protected from hostilities and natural threats, the issue of digitizing notary archive documents and creating a special platform for storing digital copies of documents is being raised, which will ensure their proper preservation and the possibility of recovery in the event of loss of physical documents.


Author Biography

Bohdan Pazdnikov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

graduate student of the Department of Public Administration
and Government Service Educational and Scientific Institute «Institute of Public Administration», V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Pazdnikov, B. (2025). State policy in the field of preservation of notarial archives under the conditions of marital state. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(79), 184–198.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine