A comprehensive mechanism of public administration in the field of forensic expertise in Ukraine

Keywords: mechanisms of public administration in the field of forensic activity, functions of public administration in the field of forensic activity, principles of public administration in the field of forensic activity, methods of public administration in the field of forensic activity, comprehensive mechanism of public administration in the field of forensic activity, standardization of forensic activity, forensic activity.


From the standpoint of the institutional approach, a definition of the concept of “mechanisms of public administration in the field of forensic activity” is proposed. The features of institutional mechanisms of public administration in the field of forensic activity are reflected in the formed complex mechanism of public administration in the field of forensic activity, which in this study is considered as a kind of 3D (three-dimensional) model: mechanisms of formation, mechanisms of functioning, mechanisms of development. The definition of the concept of “complex mechanism of public administration in the field of forensic activity” is given and its purpose is formulated.
The definition of the concept of “public administration functions in the field of forensic activity” is provided and it is proposed to consider them as a 3D (three-dimensional) model, generalizing them into the following blocks: 1) general functions inherent in government bodies at all levels, carried out in all areas of public administration: forecasting, planning, organization, regulation, coordination, accounting, control, etc.; 2) special functions that make it possible to determine the features and conditions of public administration in the field of forensic activity, establish the specifics of objects and subjects, as well as other interested parties; 3) auxiliary functions on which the quality of public administration in the field of forensic activity depends, they ensure the implementation of general and special functions.
The concept of “principles of public administration in the field of forensic activity” is defined and it is proposed to consider the principles of public administration in the field of forensic activity as a 3D (three-dimensional) model, generalizing in the following blocks: 1) general principles that are common to all public administrative relations; 2) special principles inherent in public administration in the field of forensic activity; 3) own principles developed by expert practice and substantiated by science, inherent only in forensic activity.
The methods of public administration in the field of forensic activity are defined and it is proposed to consider them as a 3D (three-dimensional) model, generalizing in the following blocks: 1) methods of organizing government bodies, which consist in streamlining the activities of structural units, officials and employees of public administration entities for the purpose of their optimal functioning, are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of their practical implementation of their tasks, functions and competences, in particular; 2) general methods of activity of administrative bodies, applied when using all or the main functions of management at all the most important stages of the management process; 3) special methods of activity of administrative bodies, methods applied when implementing individual functions at some stages of the management process.
The analysis of the complex mechanism of public administration in the field of forensic activity allowed to identify the following mechanisms in its structure: scientific and theoretical, regulatory and legal, organizational and managerial, personnel, methodological, material and technical, information and communication, financial. A description of the content and composition of the identified mechanisms of public administration in the field of forensic activity is provided.


Author Biography

Nataliia Martynenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, 31, Povitroflotsky Avenue, Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine

Ph.D. in the field of Public Management and Administration
Associate Professor of the Department of Law and Public Administration
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture,
31, Povitroflotsky Avenue, Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Martynenko, N. (2025). A comprehensive mechanism of public administration in the field of forensic expertise in Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(79), 136–164. https://doi.org/10.26565/1727-6667-2024-2-07
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine