Key trends of digitalization of public administration in the context of European integration of Ukraine

Keywords: digitalization, digital technologies, digital transformation, public administration, European integration, e-government, digital development, reform, efficiency, transparency, government, administrative procedure, public service, public authorities, European Union.


The article analyzes key trends in digitalization of public administration in the context of Ukraine’s European integration vector. The terminological approaches to the definition of «digitalization» in narrow and broad meanings, national legislation, and peculiarities were identified. The essential understanding of digitalization in public administration has been clarified. It has been established that digitization, as one of the main sectoral directions of European integration, has achieved significant results by starting extensive digital transformation processes for the provision of electronic services, management processes at the state and local levels. Attention is focused on the importance of the development of electronic governance as an integral component of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the digital sphere. It has been established that progress in e-governance is aimed at accountability, transparency and trust in the government, which contributes to bringing Ukraine closer to joining the EU. Positive points regarding the introduction of digital technologies are presented. Emphasis is placed on cooperation with the EU and strengthening the processes of digital transformation of Ukraine. Achievements and problems of digital development in Ukraine are outlined. It was found that the digital transformation of public administration requires both digital skills and digital flexibility. It was established that with the support of the EU, the following reforms should be carried out in the digital transformation sector in the next few years: secure and efficient digital infrastructure; digitization of public services. The implementation of these reforms involves two stages and should contribute to rapprochement with the European Union, increase the efficiency of public administration, promote digital transformation as a tool for sustainable development and inclusive growth, strengthen social and economic development, as well as support the development of investments, the private sector and increase the growth rate of the domestic economy. A number of problematic issues that become an obstacle to the effectiveness of this process have been identified, and further directions for improvement in the researched area have been proposed.


Author Biography

Iryna Kryvoruchko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, str. Akademika Romodanova, 12/2, Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine

сandidate of Sciences in Public Administration, leading specialist
of the sector of the organization of training of trainees of senior management personnel
of the department of organizational support of the educational process
of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service
of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, str. Akademika Romodanova, 12/2, Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Kryvoruchko, I. (2025). Key trends of digitalization of public administration in the context of European integration of Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(79), 115–135.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine