Keywords: civil service, public institutions, civil service standards, integration methods, EU civil service, EU civil service standards.


In the article it is determined that in the conditions of the present day public administration is an extremely important sphere of state power and it is impossible to achieve coordinated activity of state institutions without highly qualified managers who are able to respond quickly to the demands of society.

The basic principles on which the civil service is based are analyzed. The main directions of the state policy in the sphere of the civil service are defining the basic goals, tasks and principles of functioning of the institute of civil service, ensuring the effective work of all state bodies in accordance with their competence.

The authors have formed a system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness and features of the development of public service in Ukraine, among which: the nature of indicators and their groups for state authorities, the comparability of indicators, regulation of indicators, forecasting development. Using the integral indicator and certain indicators reflecting the organizational and socio-economic aspects of the development of public service at the current stage of democratization of public administration, the level of development of public service in Ukraine for the second half of 2018 has been calculated.

The need to create a single document-standard based on job descriptions of civil servants, professional and qualification characteristics of positions, as well as models of competence was determined. After all, the existence of a number of legislative and regulatory acts that regulate personnel appointments in the civil service hamper the process of formation and development of public service.

The basic indicators of the SIGMA program are analyzed, the implementation of which is an important political step for Ukraine to ensure the new quality of public administration.

It is proved that the most favorable method of integration of the civil service in Ukraine to the EU standards is the adaptation method.


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Author Biographies

 Iryna Trunina, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskiy National University, Kremenchuk

Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Head of the Department of Business Administration, Marketing and Tourism,
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskiy National University, Kremenchuk

Kostiantyn Latyshev , Kremenchuk Mykhailo OstrogradskyiNational University, Kremenchuk

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Business Administration, marketing and tourism Department, Kremenchuk Mykhailo OstrogradskyiNational University, Kremenchuk

Kseniya Skrebcova , Kremenchuk Mykhailo OstrogradskyiNational University, Kremenchuk

student, Kremenchuk Mykhailo OstrogradskyiNational University, Kremenchuk


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How to Cite
Trunina,  Iryna, Latyshev , K., & Skrebcova , K. (2020). ADAPTATION OF THE CIVIL SERVICE INSTITUTE OF UKRAINE TO THE STANDARDS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 1(68), 218-229.
Foreign Policy and National Security