• Oleksandr Potii Deputy Director, Kharkiv Institute of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Private Higher Educational Establishment “Kyiv Medical University”, Kharkiv https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9754-9240
Keywords: digital single market, integration, infrastructure, harmonization


The paper is dedicated to taking on the very topical challenges that the Ukrainian government is facing today - a process of integration of the country into the EU and, in particular, to the integrating Ukraine to EU digital Single Market. To investigate this topic a system of general scientific and specially scientific methods were applied. This provided a credible and objective analysis of the current implementation and harmonization state and make specific recommendations for both parties.


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How to Cite
Potii , O. (2020). POLITICAL, ORGANISATIONAL AND INFRASTRUCTURAL CONDITIONS OF INTEGRATING OF UKRAINE TO EU DIGITAL SINGLE MARKET. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(69), 266-274. https://doi.org/10.34213/tp.20.02.32
Foreign Policy and National Security