Keywords: urban agglomerations, territorial communities’ spatial development plans, intermunicipal cooperation, metropolises in France, concerted development zones (zones d’aménagement concerté (ZAC)), sustainable development of urban agglomerations.


In the article the modern legislative status of urban agglomerations in France (which is comparable to Ukraine by its administrative-territorial structure, surface area and population number) in context of administrative-territorial division and urbanism is shown; short review on development of intermunicipal cooperation in France as a prerequisite of creation of “metropolies”, which are concerned as administrative-territorial units and at once as the highest form of agglomerative processes, is given; the comparative analysis of legislation upon agglomerations in France of Ukraine is given. There also the legislative mechanisms of integrated development of territories of communities in France are presented as well as successful cases in this field are shown. In practice, projects in France are mainly implemented in the territories of former industrial and infrastructural facilities and areas that are in unsatisfactory condition - ports, factories, railway zones, etc. Such mechanisms after their improvement and adaptation, could become a basement of good governance for urban agglomerations, for innovative and sustainable development of territorial communities in Ukraine. The study indicates that it is advisable to adopt legislation in Ukraine that will allow the use of agglomerations of integrated community development mechanisms by developing and approving comprehensive agglomeration development plans, which will help introduce long-term community increase planning and improve their management. It is also advisable to improve (according to the French model) mechanisms for targeted, project development of parts of communities that are of particular importance for their sustainable economic progress and transport, and so on. Such plans in Ukraine would provide for an investment component and an innovative direction of development. This is agreed by the local government for the project of community development, accomplish of a package of documentation commissioned by local governments, with further involvement of investors on a competitive basis, which will accelerate the start of projects and minimize the time and risk of their approval, allow to implement them on favorable and transparent terms.


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How to Cite
Drozdov , D. (2020). URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS AND INSTRUMENTS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITIES IN LEGISLATION OF FRANCE AND UKRAINE. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(69), 246-256. https://doi.org/10.34213/tp.20.02.30
Foreign Policy and National Security