• I.  Zastrozhnikova  PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of Public Administration, Administration and Law Department, Taurian State Agrotechnological University, Melitopol
Keywords: decentralization, modernization, educational system, education, educational system.


The article emphasizes the need to reform the education sector in connection with decentralization processes. The basic principles of decentralization that affect the education system are considered. It is noted that the reform involves the introduction of new standards in education, improvement of material and technical base in educational and scientific institutions, identification of the best teachers and scientists, introduction of a perfect and clear system of financing education and science. It is emphasized that the reform is aimed at ending isolation and stagnation in research, creating conditions for high-quality scientific training of researchers and high-quality developments in basic and applied fields, reducing the interval between research and achieving the desired results, changing the principles of higher education and science. Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of the educational and research space of the European Union. The close link between decentralization reform and the reform of national education is pointed out, so the reform concerning local self-government is based on European standards, in particular, it is based on the European Charter of Local Self-Government, which provides OTG with new opportunities. Thanks to the decentralization reform, issues related to the education system can now be addressed at the local level. It is noted that one of the key changes in the decentralization reform was the establishment of support schools in the communities. One of the issues in the field of education that decentralization is designed to address is ensuring access to education in minority languages, as Ukrainian citizens are equal. and must have equal access to all goods. It is pointed out that the new educational model is unique for Ukraine, as secondary education is transferred to local communities and their associations, and specialized and higher education belong to state functions. Thus, local authorities need to do everything necessary for their “capacity”, because quality secondary education is the basis of the nation’s well-being and is currently a very costly area.


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How to Cite
Zastrozhnikova , I. (2020). STATE MANAGEMENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL SPHERE AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 4(71), 126-130.
Directions of Local Government System Reformation in Ukraine