• S.  Horbliuk  PhD in Public Administration, Doctoral Student of Regional Administration, Local Self-Government and Urban Management Department, NAPA, Kyiv
Keywords: urban revitalization, public participation, degraded urban area, urban government, city


The article describes the public participation in the process of formation and implementation of public policy of the urban revitalization based on generalization of the principles for urban government and theoretical foundations for ensuring the participation of citizens in city management.

It is determined that the urban government is based on the involvement of residents in public administration decisions and joint actions for the development and implementation of city programs in the territory where they live. In addition to participation, its principles include rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, consensus orientation, equality and inclusiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability, as well as innovation and openness to change, social cohesion, etc. Therefore, they must be taken into account when developing a policy of the urban revitalization.



It has been established that public participation in the urban revitalization policy is focused primarily on the residents of the degraded urban area, which are considered both as subjects and as objects of the urban revitalization policy.

It is proved that the tools of public participation are used at all stages of formation and implementation of the urban revitalization policy (preparation for revitalization, planning – program development, implementation and monitoring, evaluation). The choice of these tools depends on the degree of development of social capital in the city, the potential and willingness of participants to take part in the policy of the urban revitalization, and differs in each situation according to the level of public interest and their impact on revitalization of degraded areas.

In addition, public participation should include educational and communicative measures to strengthen the competencies of all stakeholders in the revitalization of degraded urban areas, including increasing knowledge, experience and skills of residents in solving socially significant problems and achieving common goals, ability to trust each other and cooperate in the future.


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How to Cite
Horbliuk , S. (2020). PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THE URBAN REVITALIZATION POLICY. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 4(71), 118-125.
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