The European educational space as a factor for changes in the school management system

Keywords: European education space, management of national secondary education systems, actors of education policy, Europeanization, public participation in education decision-making, forms of public participation in education management


The paper examines the impact of the European educational space on the national secondary education management systems. The idea of the European educational space as a reflection of multilevel governance in education is explored. National, supranational and transnational educational policy actors are considered. The emergence and development of the idea of "Europeanization" of education are revealed. As an integral process of formation of educational space in Europe, the peculiarity of expanding public participation in the decision-making on education is substantiated. In particular, various forms of public governance in the system of secondary education are considered: school boards, boards of school principals, parents boards, self-governance of students and so on.


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Author Biographies

Yuriy Semenyuk, ORIDU NAPA, Odesa

Postgraduate Student of Global Studies, European Integration and National Security Management Department, ORIDU NAPA, Odesa

Natalia Kolisnichenko , ORIDU NAPA, Odesa

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Head of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department, ORIDU NAPA, Odesa


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How to Cite
Semenyuk, Y., & Kolisnichenko , N. (2019). The European educational space as a factor for changes in the school management system. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 3(66), 227-235.
Foreign Policy and National Security