• К. С. ПАЛІЙ ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна
Ключові слова: глобальна культура, глобалізація культури, культурна глобалізація, посткультура, культура.


У статті розглядаються трансформаційні процеси, які відбуваються у культурі,
та здійснюється спроба внести ясність у поняття «глобальна культура». Чи є глобальна
культура черговою вигадкою чи містифікацією, чи її можна назвати закономірним
продуктом культурогенезу, які характерні ознаки вона має та чи можна оцінювати її за
мірками інших культур – ось основні розглядувані питання.

рассматриваются трансформационные процессы, которые происходят в культуре, так
же производится попытка внести ясность в понятие «глобальная культура». Является
ли глобальная культура очередной выдумкой или мистификацией, или ее можно назвать
закономерным продуктом культурогенеза, какие характерные особенности она имеет и
можно ли оценивать ее по меркам других культур – вот основные рассматриваемые
Ключевые слова: глобальная культура, глобализация культуры, культурная
глобализация, посткультура, культура.

Paliy K. TOWARDS THE CREATION OF A GLOBAL CULTURE In this article we try to
deal with such a complex and multi-valued concept as "global culture" and see can we even use
this phrase, what its content?
The concept of culture to which we are accustomed, transformed and acquires new
meanings, which we try to investigate further.
The object of our interest is the global culture and related processes.
In the process of globalization, regardless of national or state borders, there is some space
in which different cultures interact. In this space of integration processes are forming some
unique spatio-temporal structures in culture, affecting both the cultures and the mechanisms of
their interaction. Generated some of transnational cultural ties - transculturation.
Transculturation is the one of the basic characteristics of a "global culture."
Pointing to the presence of transnational culture, it is unknown whether it is possible to
assert the presence / existence of global culture. Rather, the desire for unification may in the
future lead to the formation of a global culture. Popular culture and scientific progress are
closely connected. With the development of technology, the mass layer is circulated and
distributed by means of communication.
Everybody is talking about a new "global" world culture, but no one says and does not
explain what it is. Maximum - a general culture that consists of separate cultures of individuals.
On the other hand, it is unreasonable to assume that the institution of culture remained
If culture is understood as collective way of life or beliefs, styles, values and symbols, we
can only talk about the cultures in the plural.
Talking about the human culture in general, this concept remains too generalized.
Globalization can increase the number of identical forms, but not neutralizes the diversity of
local cultures, including values and science.
The essence of globalization - in its becoming, its nature is heterogeneous and has a
changing character. The globalization process can be regarded as one of the areas cultural
To indicate the position in which was culture in our time, we think appropriate to use the
term "postculture" - a working concept, which V. Bychkov used to describe modern (from middle
of 20 century) situation in culture.
Postculture - is education without upbringing, a society without authorities, cooperation
without hierarchy, openness without centralization, religion without dogma, the state without the
right and art without ideals. One layer of culture, which is defined as a set of spiritual values,
life beliefs, patterns of behavior, ideals and norms was dismantled.
When culture and art loses its center - God, man began to worship other pseudo gods -
Machine, Chaos, Mind, Art.
Previously, information was easiest to get from words / books, now reigns verbal / nondiscursive
kind of information. And man uses not only a formal logical structures, but also
gestalt, photons, moving images, etc.
Processes in the field of mass communication cause the formation of a global, world
"Cultural globalization" undermines the identification of the national state of its
population, when individuals begin to identify themselves not only local, but also with the
international community.
Key words: global culture, the globalization of culture, cultural globalization, post-culture,



Біографія автора

К. С. ПАЛІЙ, ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна
аспірант кафедри теорії культури і філософії науки
Як цитувати
ПАЛІЙ, К. С. (2015). НА ШЛЯХУ ДО ФОРМУВАННЯ ГЛОБАЛЬНОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Теорія культури і філософія науки», 2(1029), 229. вилучено із https://periodicals.karazin.ua/thcphs/article/view/2404