• Kateryna Fisun PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: radio, Radio Studies, Radio Art, Kharkiv, Ukrainian culture


The article is devoted to the philosophical and cultural analysis of Radio Art role in the development of the XXth century in Ukrainian culture. The problems of the article are due to the insufficient scientific attention to the study of radio as a cultural phenomenon, its functions and the influence of the formation and popularization of modern culture due to the rapid displacement of television and audiovisual media in the XXth century. The first radio station on the territory of the Soviet Ukraine appeared in Kharkiv, which contributed to the spread of radio broadcasting in other cities and the development of Radio Art genres. However, despite of the comprehensive study of the social, cultural, and political role of radio by Western scientists, the development of Radio Studies abroad and the availability of history works of radio broadcasting in Ukraine, Philosophical and Cultural Studies the radio and Radio Art remain limited in Ukraine, which is the relevance of the research. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of Radio Art as a means of shaping the culture of the Soviet Ukraine in the XXth century, to determine the functions of Radio Art, which, through the popularization of various artistic genres, formed the cultural identity and national consciousness of the society. The scientific novelty of the study consists of the attempt in a historical-philosophical analysis of the cultural specificity and social role of Radio Art that developed on the territory of the Soviet Ukraine in the XXth century. In the Western Europe, in addition to the informational, campaigning, popularizing functions, radio performed the consolidation function, in particular, it contributed to the construction and consolidation of the marginal cultural communities’ identity, the cultural adaptation of refugees, the visibility of gender and national minorities. Soviet radio exerted powerful ideological influence on people's consciousness, but radio plays, radio dramas, performances of Ukrainian writers in the "in front of the microphone" genre not only contributed to cultural enlightenment and the spread of the Western European drama, but also actively shaped the national consciousness of the Soviet Ukraine. Radio plays, radio dramas, journalistic radio essays were created as highly artistic works that organically combined literary and theatrical artistic means. It was determined that Radio Art represents an open space for experiments due to the flexibility of its main tools – voice and sound, with the help of which it is possible to embody any images of actors, inconsistency and discontinuity of events, due to which Radio Art has unlimited potential to develop associative thinking in listeners. The article examines that Radio Art, created on the basis of the Ukrainian writers works and playwrights strongly contributed to the formation of the national informational and cultural space of the Soviet Ukraine that allowed Ukrainian radio to expanded national radio broadcasting after Ukraine gained independence.


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How to Cite
Fisun, K. (2023). RADIO ART REPRESENTATION ROLEOF THE XX CENTURY IN UKRAINIAN CULTURE. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (67), 54-62.