• Yaroslav Moskvin assistant of the Department of Philosophy and socialsciences, Kharkiv National Medical University
  • Ivan Tolstov head of the philosophy and sociology department, candidate of philosophic sciences, associate professor of Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
Keywords: pathos, passion, ethics, emotivism, existence, presence, subjectivity


The article analyzes the importance of pathos, i.e. sensory-logical worldview for ethics. The relevance of the study of pathos states in the ethical context is due to the insufficient development of terminology in this area, as well as the complex and multifaceted connection between ethics and emotions. The purpose of the article is to present and analyze the concept of passion and its significance for ethics. The aim of the article is to prove that an understanding of pathos can be useful for ethical theories. Passion in the sense that we presented in the work does not distance a person from the truth, but brings him closer to knowing himself and the surrounding reality through his subjectivity. States of mind not only influence our decisions and shape our psyche, but demonstrate that an individual think with feelings. Such a situation seems paradoxical, but in human thinking it is really difficult to separate the rational grain and its emotional coloring. At the same time, passion is not only an emotional coloring – a connotation, but also forms a denotation. Feelings encourage thinking and direct attention to a specific element of thought. Passion is connected to the center of thought and action, and is not only driven by the psyche. The state of the human psyche affects ethics, but this influence can occur in different ways. Pathos influence on ethics cannot be limited to the concept of emotivism, because it cannot be assumed that all our ethical beliefs depend entirely on the emotions they evoke in the individual. Ethics has its own unique sphere, which cannot be explained by psychophysical determinism, and the ethics of emotivism does not give sufficient grounds to consider itself the only theory capable of providing answers to the complex relationship between passion and ethics. Therefore, the concept of passion is of great importance for existentialism, voluntarism and emotivism, as well as other ethical theories. As a conclusion, it is necessary to state that passion is individual, although we can single out its regularities and social influence. Passion does not negate logic – passion creates a narrative from which thinking, logic, and science emerge. Pathos can turn out to be something that fills the gap, combines ethics and psychology, but not on the basis of eclecticism, but on the basis of philosophy: ethics and epistemology.


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How to Cite
Moskvin, Y., & Tolstov, I. (2023). PATHOS AND ETHICS. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (67), 34-40.