Problems of informatization and computerization of educational industry

  • О. Д. Лаута Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України (Київ)
  • А. Стельмащук Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України (Київ)
Keywords: informatization of education, system informatization, information technology, computerization of the educational sector, information and communication technologies, human capital.


In the article actual problems of information society and its influence on modern philosophy of education. The problems regarding the effective implementation and application of ICT in the educational space. Marked positive aspects of the information society in which education plays a key role. Indicated that the rapid development of new information systems in recent years, and the introduction of computer technology in education is a logical and necessary step in the development of modern information world as a whole. The problem of informatization and computerization of all spheres of human activity is one of the global problems of the modern world. Enhancing the role of information, transforming it into one of the most important driving forces of industrial, scientific and social life. Trends in contemporary society, its pronounced informatization explain the need for more and more widespread use of information technology in education. Currently cultural rights regardless of their profession and operations must have the skills to work with electronic means of processing and transmitting information.



Author Biography

О. Д. Лаута, Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України (Київ)
канд. філос.наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Лаута, О. Д., & Стельмащук, А. (2017). Problems of informatization and computerization of educational industry. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (56), 26-30.