The influence of autospoesis of ethnos on structure and functioning of the national language

Keywords: natural language, national language picture of the world, autopoiesis, praxis, linguistic sensitivities, equivalent vocabulary


The article is devoted to the question of the causes and peculiarities of the formation of the national specificity of natural language. Language is seen not as a frozen phenomenon, in which its structure is analyzed. The main attention is drawn to the creative, active-active character of the language. In this connection, the causes and peculiarities of the formation of the national-linguistic specificity among different ethnic groups are analyzed. The special role played by praxis and autopoiesis of the people in the creation of the national language picture of the world is considered.


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Author Biography

G. H. Starikova, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control. Associate Professor in Philosophy, PhD


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How to Cite
Starikova, G. H. (2018). The influence of autospoesis of ethnos on structure and functioning of the national language. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (58), 105-112.