The article deals with the methods of service industries personnel evaluation. It has been proved that at present the service sector is significantly increasing and outperforming manufacturing sectors by certain indicators. The author has identified the personnel performance evaluation and suggested that modern methods of personnel service evaluation should be the lever that would help obtain information on the effectiveness of the service industry workers: specific potential opportunities for experts in the field and their prospects for growth; reasons for inefficient performance of individual employees; the need for education and training; ways of improving work organization. It has been pointed out that the most difficult type of evaluation that includes a lot of indicators and all the necessary complex of economic and mathematical methods for their treatment, and also provides a broad involvement of experts is analytical evaluation. It has been concluded that systematic evaluation of personnel, which is the core of motivation for employees providing interested achievement of the set goals, can detect weaknesses in the enterprise performance and interest the workers in correcting the current situation. However, the lack of a common methodological framework which could systematically combine all practitioners’ development, a broad interpretation of the concepts of ‘quality’ and ‘efficiency’ of labor are hampering proper understanding of the nature and role of evaluation in the whole system of management. In this regard, there is a need to develop new approaches to objective evaluation of personnel performance that really characterize the labor contribution of workers to the productive performance of the company
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