The article addresses the issues of the need to build the model of organizational and resources’ provision of the machine-building complex of Ukraine. To create an accurate model the author had to ensure that all conclusions derived from statistical analysis of performance of one of the most influential industries of Ukraine are possible to extrapolate (i.e., to extend, refer conclusions with respect to any of the objects or phenomena to all the collection of objects or phenomena, extend conclusions based on past events or conditions on future processes) to the entire industry of Ukraine. As expected, by the methods of correlation analysis it has been found that negative impacts on the machine-building complex operation are dynamics of increase of average official exchange rate of the national monetary currency to the US dollar, set by the National Bank of Ukraine and the index value of long-term loans to business entities. Comparative analysis of the used methods of deterministic factor analysis – chain substitutions and share participation has enabled to state that both methods reliably describe the impact of each factor of the components of organizational and resources potential of the machine-building industry of the Kharkov region, but, in our view, the method of share participation gives a more direct result. Using a scientific approach to solving the problem of economy management and efficient use of resources, it is essential to remember that all factors affect the result of economic activity in the aggregate. Therefore, we have not only found their resulting impact on performance – the total of output, but also their collaborative engagement.
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