Keywords: intangible assets, enterprise value, digitalization, crisis management, lost profits of owners of enterprise


The purpose of this article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations and practical recommendations for the development of anti-crisis management tools in the digital economy based on the cost criterion and intangible factors. Practice shows that the development of artificial intelligence, big data analytics, machine learning and the development of the mobile Internet open up new opportunities for enterprises and affect the business strategies of companies. The digital transformation of the economy has led to the emergence of challenges for management, which can be divided into the following groups: change in the business economy; changing the business model of the business; changes in business value factors. We substantiated that in the conditions of digitalization there is a need to form new anti-crisis tools, taking into account the features of both new digital companies and existing businesses, which adapt their activities in the conditions of digitalization. We have determined that the selection of anti-crisis tools in the digital environment will maintain a majority of cost indicators on the basis of which decisions are made, but the interpretation of these indicators changes as they adapt to assessing business performance in the digital economy. We believe that digital technologies are changing attitudes towards physical assets and increasing the role of intangibles. We substantiated that the main source of creating sustainable advantages of enterprises are intangible intellectual assets. We believe that the value of the enterprise obtained from intangible intellectual assets is equal to the difference between the market value of the enterprise and the value of tangible assets according to the model of valuation of real options. However, the model of real options indicates how much the value of the enterprise will increase with the effective use of intangible assets and does not give the absolute value of intangible assets. In this paper, we proposed the calculation of the lost benefit for owners from not taking into account the impact of intangible intellectual assets on the value of the enterprise.


Author Biography

Iryna Plikus, Sumy State University, R.-Korsakova Str., 2, Sumy, 40007, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Plikus, I. (2021). ANTI-CRISIS BUSINESS MANAGEMENT IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Social Economics, (62), 88-97.