Consultative Paradigms and Methods of Modern Psychological Practice in Ukraine

Keywords: consultative paradigm, psychological practice, method, psychological assistance, professional consciousness of a psychologist


The article presents the results of a study of the latest trends characteristic of modern processes of providing psychological care in Ukraine, both in terms of paradigms and methods preferred by Ukrainian psychologists. This was facilitated by the study of specialized groups on the Facebook platform, such as "Psychologists of Ukraine", "Psychologists and Psychotherapists", "Clinical Psychologists and Psychotherapists of Ukraine", "Psychology. Ukraine / Event Calendar", other professional communities that unite specialists in psychological care, as well as specialized popular sites such as: "Rozmova" (, "Hedepy" (, "Mysense" (, and "Pleso" (, which present over 1,000 counseling offers in various approaches and methods. The study goes beyond simple statistical analysis, offering a deeper understanding of the evolution of psychological practice in the complex socio-political conditions of modern Ukraine, revealing a complex picture of professional adaptation and transformation of psychological care. The study reveals a unique picture of the professional evolution of Ukrainian psychologists. 25% consciously change their professional trajectory, choosing psychology as a vocation. The predominance of specialists with one to five years of experience indicates an active young generation of psychologists. The increasing use of the online format (65%) is not just a technological innovation, but an existentially important format of consultative communication in conditions when it is necessary to ensure the accessibility of psychological care.Martial law and hostilities increased the volume of crisis assistance by 40%, 30% of psychologists joined volunteer activities. Along with this, new challenges and barriers appeared. This is the high cost of training and certification, which 65% of respondents complained about. High level of professional stress (50% of respondents). Policy in the field of higher education, which prioritizes the financing of higher education institutions at the expense of the impoverished population, and not professional criteria and requirements for the selection of future specialists of such a variety of helping professions as practical psychologists.



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How to Cite
Bondarenko, A., & Radetska, A. (2024). Consultative Paradigms and Methods of Modern Psychological Practice in Ukraine. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, (22), 6-14.