Psychological Factors of Life Script’ Constructing at Modern Young Women

Keywords: life script, lifestyle, early maladaptive schemes, personality, traumatic life events, parental attitudes, young women, psychotherapy


The work is devoted to the problem of the personality’s life script constructing. Understanding of the personality from the point of view of integrative categories, such as "lifestyle", "life script is basic ideology or present investigation. These psychological phenomena describe not only the events of a particular person's life, but also make it possible to understand one's personal qualities, self-image, patterns of behavior and relationship-building as a coherent system of interaction between the individual and the world. The psychological factors that influence the life script’s construction are analyzed and summarized: the critical period of personality’s development influence and the events that took place in it; the influence of family and parenting; traumatic or significant life events; transgenerational factors. An empirical study is aimed at investigating early traumatic personality experiences as a factor in the formation of a life script. The study was conducted on a student sample of young women. Early traumatic experience was operationalized through the concept of J. Young's early maladaptive schemes and the application of the "Diagnosis of early maladaptive schemes" technique. The life script is revealed through the use of the life position questionnaire, which allows one of four types of script to be established: “Winner”, “Loser”, “Pessimist”, “Inferiority Complex”. The article shows that certain types of life scripts of modern young women reveal correlative relationships with components of early traumatic personality experiences that crystallize as early maladaptive schemes. On this basis, the psychological characteristics of the basis of each four types of scripts are presented: "Winner", "Losers", "Pessimist", "Inferiority Complex ". The psychological foundations of constructive and non-constructive scripts based on early maladaptive schemes related to their construction are revealed.



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How to Cite
Zubenko, O. M. (2020). Psychological Factors of Life Script’ Constructing at Modern Young Women. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, (12), 57-63.