Complex of Methods of Imaginative Psychotherapy of the Body in Healthy Psychotechnology “RIC”: Efficiency and Features of Application

  • Tamara B. Khomulenko G.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • V. O. Kramchenkova G.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Karina I. Fomenko G.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Ya. L. Obukhov-Kozarovitsky
Keywords: imaginative body psychotherapy, wellness psychotechnology, , Bodily locus of control, relaxation, self-regulation


Decrease in the level of health is considered today as a social, general cultural problem. In modern Ukraine, there is an acute problem of using psychological technologies for healing, fostering a conscious attitude to one’s health, which is caused by a contradiction between the fairly high objective requirements of society for health, harmonious development of people and a rather low level of respect for one’s body and wellness culture, as well as a general deterioration health of citizens. The article is devoted to the development of health-improving psychotechnology and assessment of its effectiveness based on the study of the dynamics of verbalization of bodily and subjective assessment of health as a result of its application. A generalization of the results of a theoretical analysis of the health problem and the psychological mechanisms of its provision is presented. The use of integrative psychotechnics for recreational purposes is justified. The proposed program of wellness psychotechnology “Relaxation-Imagination-Comfort” (“RIC”) is one of the integrative psychotechnologies, based on the synthesis of methods of concentrative relaxation, imaginative psychotherapy of the body and includes a set of psychotechnics aimed at ensuring the restoration and preservation of the full functioning of the body, based on means of internalization of the Bodily locus of control, relaxation and self-regulation based on feedback from the Bodily-Self. The RIC program is based on the principle of gradual mental deepening and expansion of the practice of mental integration and involves the consistent implementation of the preparatory stage, three main (relaxation, awareness, imagination) stages and the final stage. Based on a synthesis of empirical data, it is shown that, as a result of the use of health psychotechnology (“RIC”), positive dynamics of subjective assessment of health and well-being, a decrease in the intensity of somatic complaints, harmonization of dominant psycho-emotional states, the level of verbalization of the Bodily-Self and emotional acceptance of one’s body were revealed, which characterizes the potential for self-healing and maintaining the psychosomatic balance of the individual.



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How to Cite
Khomulenko, T. B., Kramchenkova, V. O., Fomenko, K. I., & Obukhov-Kozarovitsky, Y. L. (2020). Complex of Methods of Imaginative Psychotherapy of the Body in Healthy Psychotechnology “RIC”: Efficiency and Features of Application. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, (12), 36-48.