The role of the fixed imagination in the occurence of addiction at adolescent age

Keywords: fixed imagination, system of addiction, adolescent age, addiction, addictive motivation, imago


The article contains the description of the phenomenon of fixed imagination as a system-forming element in the personality dependence system. The psychological essence of the influence of the catathymic imagination on personal behavior is determined. The features of the fixed imagination in the formation of dependence on the addictive agent as well as its connection to the process of thinking and emotional and motivational sphere are analyzed. The role of the fixed imagination at different stages of the formation of the addictive process, and the specific features of the fixed imagination as a mechanism of addiction occurrence in adolescence is presented. The psychological role of the ritual of transition as a significant factor in the rehabilitation of addicted individuals is pointed out.


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How to Cite
Sedykh, K. V., & Filts, O. O. (2019). The role of the fixed imagination in the occurence of addiction at adolescent age. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, (10), 57-63.