Interrelation of psychological well-being and social identity of the students
psychological well-being, social identity, professional identity, civil identity, religious identity, national identity, students
The paper considers the theme of the relationship of psychological well-being and social identity of students. The study involved 60 participants, all respondents are students of the 3rd course in the different educational institutions of Kharkiv. To investigate the psychological well-being and social identity were used: “Scale psychological well-being” of K. Riff; Modification of the scales for revealing the ethnic and cultural identity of D. Berry; Questionnaire of socio-demographic characteristics of the person. When studying the relationship between different types of social identity and psychological well-being, it was found that this relationship is statistically confirmed only in relation of civil and national identityDownloads
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How to Cite
Павленко, В. М., & Перепелиця, М. І. (2017). Interrelation of psychological well-being and social identity of the students. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (61), 29-32. Retrieved from