Studying Of Young Criminals’ Aggression With The Help Of various Methods

  • Ihor Zuiev
Keywords: aggression, projective test, questionnaire, young criminals, high school students


In this work, the differences in expression of young offenders and their age-mates (high school schoolchildren) aggression were studied. It was found that hand projective test was more effective in fiding aggressiveness of young offenders as compared to the survey. Young convicts had the following characteristics especially marked: aggressiveness, affectation, dependency. Their aggressive behavior is much more vivid than that of their age-mates; however, at the same time, they feel much more profound need in affection and close and friendly relations. In addition, their dependency from other people is much stronger.


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How to Cite
Zuiev, I. (2016). Studying Of Young Criminals’ Aggression With The Help Of various Methods. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (60), 62-65. Retrieved from