The Interconnection Between Empathy and the Quality of Marital Relations with Different Length of Marriage
The article explores the findings of a study on the connection between empathy and the quality of marital relations in couples married for less than two years and those with over five years of marital experience. The results indicate that both younger and more experienced couples demonstrate a high level of empathy components. Empathy plays an essential role in the quality of marital relationships, but its impact is ambiguous. In younger couples, a high level of empathy is connected with a desire for emotional intimacy and a fear of losing their partner. In contrast, in couples with longer marital experience, empathy contributes to stability and trust but reduces the pursuit of autonomy. Women in the initial stages of relationships tend to experience a stronger emotional bond, yet their satisfaction with the relationships decreases over time, whereas men’s satisfaction increases in the later stages of relationships. In younger couples, empathy is associated with a desire for support and emotional engagement, while in more experienced couples, it is connected to the ability to consider the partner's viewpoint. The research also found that a high level of empathy can either enhance or reduce marital satisfaction, depending on the length of marriage and other factors.
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