Conceptual Model of Mischievousness Development as a Component of Game Competence

Keywords: gaming competence, playfulness, mischievousness, gaming position, conceptual model, emotional intelligence, interpersonal interaction, interpersonal conflict, youth, maturity


This article presents the development of a conceptual model of  mischievousness development as a component of playfulness/game competence, which is an important contribution to modern psychology. Mischievousness is considered as a key element that integrates a number of psychological characteristics, such as gaming competence, emotional intelligence, creativity, and flexibility of personality traits in social interactions, which contribute to successful social adaptation and effective management of interpersonal conflicts. An important characteristic of mischievousness is the ability to act "on the verge of foul" - balancing between straightforwardness (aggression) and politeness (fear), which allows you to effectively maneuver in social interactions and resolve conflicts in situations where the risk of violating social norms is high.

The model consists of three main components: motivational-goal, which determines the main guidelines for the development of mischievousness; process-activity, which covers activities to develop key psychological characteristics and integral qualities inherent in mischievousness; and reflective-resultative, which is aimed at analyzing achievements and results of self-development. Special attention is paid to mastering specific psychotechniques that help develop key psychological characteristics and integral qualities necessary for successful management of interpersonal interactions and conflicts. The proposed model integrates cognitive, emotional and behavioral components, emphasizing the importance of mischievousness as a tool for social adaptation, creative self-expression and effective conflict management in various social contexts. The selection of appropriate psychodiagnostic techniques based on this model opens up new opportunities for empirical research on mischievousness and the development of diagnostic tools that will allow for a deeper understanding and assessment of mischievousness in various cultural contexts. Further research is focused on studying specific psychotechniques and strategies used by individuals with a high level of mischievousness to effectively manage social interactions and conflicts.



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How to Cite
Bezkorovainyi, S., Gordienko-Mitrofanova, I., & Sauta, S. (2024). Conceptual Model of Mischievousness Development as a Component of Game Competence. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (77).