Personality Separation Anxiety Problem in the Method «I-Reconstruction»
The article deals with the adult separation anxiety problem through the psychotherapy method "I-reconstruction". A definition of the separation anxiety concept is given as well as it highlights the process of the anxiety occurrence in psychological development. Based on the theory of the "I-reconstruction" method a new perspective on the separation-individuation development is offered regarding personality constructs such as "desire", "possession", "satisfaction" being formed. The article also provides a description of the behavioral manifestations and psychological characteristics of a person with separation anxiety, as well as a way to overcome it in the psychotherapy process. The problem of separation anxiety in adults is related to the violation of the basic rights of an individual ‘to be’ and ‘to exist’ in the process of separation-individuation, which is reflected in the prohibition of the need to possess own individuality. Realization of the right to possession occurs due to the personal appropriation of a body, behavior and emotions, which enables separation-individuation in development. The attitude to own right to possession is reflected in the fantasies of an individual, which form his\her compensatory behavior in the conditions of the possession right prohibition. The compensatory behavior of a person with separation anxiety takes the form of addictions, eating disorders, frequent diseases, etc. Actualization of the right to possession in the personality structure by the method of "I-reconstruction" is considered as a way of developing healthy behavior patterns, overcoming separation anxiety and forming a stable image of the individual's self.
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