• Анатолій Володимирович Сорока V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 6 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022
  • Сергій Ігорович Кравченко Master of Psychology, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: cognitive style, field dependence, field independence, delinquent personality, first convicted, recidivists


The main psychological features of the cognitive style of polenodependence of a delinquent person of different age are defined in the article. Using the masked "Hottschald's Included Figures" test (30 tasks, objective test), we determined the cognitive style of the inmates' pollen dependence. The discrepancies between groups of first-time convicts and repeat offenders regarding pollen dependence on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion were determined, as well as the analysis on the pollen dependence of sentenced persons of different age groups. Generally speaking, the cognitive style of inmate dependence is expressed at an average level – out of 30 tasks, on average, they solve about 15. But in the recidivist group, the average rate of pollen dependence is slightly higher than in the first convicted group. This means that poledependent people tend to ignore obstacles, expressive leadership, critical, skeptical, analytical reason, they distinguish between the nuances of the world and cynically use this imperfection of the world, the weaknesses of other people.

Analysis of the pollendependence of sentenced persons of different age groups with the number of correctly solved objective test tasks showed that in younger convicted persons (from 20 to 25 years old), pollendependence is expressed on the average level – out of 30 problems they solved on average 15, 9, and convicts of middle age (26 to 34 years), on average, solve 16,3 tasks – the best indicator in terms of older age (35 years and older), they are lower than average, solve 12, 5 tasks. The breakdown by average age of the study groups indicates that the average age of first convicts is 25 years and that of repeat offenders is 32 years. This reflects the current trend in society – the trend of "Rejuvenation of criminals".

Based on the results of our research, efforts should be made to correct the cognitive style of the perpetrators in order to increase the offspring's conviction and less conformism to the pressure of the crime environment on different age groups. It turns out that the age factor is more related to such a psychological characteristic of the subjects as polendependence than the factor of the first or repeated crime.


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How to Cite
Сорока, А. В., & Кравченко, С. І. (2020). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF COGNITIVE STYLE OF POLENODEPENDENCE OF DELINQUENT PERSONALITY. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (67), 64-68.