• Вікторія Андріївна Озерова Department of Practical Psychology Zaporizhzhya National University, Zhukovsky str., 66, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, 69600 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3272-5949
Keywords: labor, attitude to the labor, the youth, labor motivation, social attitudes, job satisfaction


The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the research results of the attitude to the labor of students and working youth. The author substantiates the relevance and significance of practical study of attitude to the labor of young people. In this study, working youth is divided into three groups, which represent three levels of socio-economic status: low, medium and high. Author also describes the criteria for the division of working youth into these groups. It is suggested to pay attention to the importance of the problem of socio-economic status of young people, which affects the attitude to the labor. The article presents the structural components of the concept of «attitude to the labor» and lists the indicators of this concept, which were practically investigated in all groups of young people. Motivational-semantic component of the attitude to labor includes such indicators as: «internal processes»; «internalization of purpose»; «instrumental motivation»; «orientation to the labor process». Emotional-evaluation component includes next indicators: «satisfaction with working conditions»; «satisfaction with achievements in work»; «feeling of success in professional activity». Behavioral component includes: «readiness for energy costs»; «distance to work»; «active strategy for solving problems». The paper presents comparative analysis and interpretation of the manifestation of these indicators in all groups of young people is conducted. The results of the comparative analysis are presented in the graphs of average.


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How to Cite
Озерова, В. А. (2019). A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PARTICULARITIES ATTITUDE TO THE LABOR OF STUDENTS AND WORKING YOUTH. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (66), 94-100. https://doi.org/10.26565/2225-7756-2019-66-13