Top-migration in the two-dimensional hexagonal nanostructure with extensive distortions

  • А. С. Долгов Национальный Аэрокосмический Университет им. Н. Е. Жуковского «ХАИ»
  • Ю. Л. Жабчик Национальный Аэрокосмический Университет им. Н. Е. Жуковского «ХАИ»
Keywords: grapheme, impurity, top­location, migration, extensive distortions


Migration of impurity atoms in the two­dimensional hexagonal grid, which models the graphene or related nanostructures, is studied. Various variants of positioning of the migration’s subjects, which are compatible to hexagonal symmetry of a matrix, are considered. Change in time of the ma in moments of distribution functions in the course of evolution of an initial state is defined. It is de ter mined that dependence on time of an average square of shift of particles can significantly deviate from pu rely diffusive regularities that brings together the considered process with properties of abnormal dif fusion. Is shown that distortions of the deformation nature conduct to more considerable qualitative chan ges of transfer, than the comparable temperature ones. Thus both called forms of influence can ser ve as means of redistribution of particles and corresponding change of structure’s characteristics.


grapheme; impurity; top­location; migration; extensive distortions


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Author Biographies

А. С. Долгов, Национальный Аэрокосмический Университет им. Н. Е. Жуковского «ХАИ»
Ю. Л. Жабчик, Национальный Аэрокосмический Университет им. Н. Е. Жуковского «ХАИ»


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How to Cite
Долгов, А. С., & Жабчик, Ю. Л. (2017). Top-migration in the two-dimensional hexagonal nanostructure with extensive distortions. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 12(2), 237-245. Retrieved from