К вопросу платообразном поведении теплопроводности твердого параводорода с тяжелой атомарной примесью предельно малой концентрации

  • Н. Жолонко
Ключові слова: solid hydrogen, thermal conductivity, heavy impurity, impurity chain, electric conductivity.


The possibilities of using the data regarding plateau-like behavior of the thermal conductivity of solid p-H2 doped with Ne and Ar extremely low concentrations were investigated. The usefulness of heavy impurity Hg for the further verification of segregation hypothesis in solid p-H2 impurity subsystem in chains along the dislocation cores was shown. It is noted that this solid p-H2 with Hg could have electric conductivity or even superconductivity due to the fact that the Cooper electron pairs correlation size is on three orders of magnitude higher than the average distance between the impurities in the chain. We discuss the conditions of the relevant experiments based on existing data for other heavy impurities in solid p-H2.


Як цитувати
Жолонко, Н. (2015). К вопросу платообразном поведении теплопроводности твердого параводорода с тяжелой атомарной примесью предельно малой концентрации. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Фізика», 1113(20), 12-15. вилучено із https://periodicals.karazin.ua/physics/article/view/1488