Dynamics of the early process of the healing of the injure after action high-energy laser radiation with length of the wave 1,047 mkm on the skin and soft subcutaneous tissues (experimental-histologycal research)
The article presents the results of experimental work, which investigated the eff ct of high-energy laser radiation with a wavelength of 1.047 microns, on the skin and its appendages, and on muscle tissue. An experiment was conducted on rats. The dynamics of the early process was monitored during the month. Power radiation 10 W, exposure 1, 2 seconds. Influence was carried out by contactless way, 1 cm above the skin level, with the help of silica fiber. Even such short-term effects have led to significant changes in tissues. All changes were compared with the control of the intact skin of the animal. The effect of laser irradiation in 1 second was lead to a change in the dermis, in combination with edema associated with hemodynamic disorders, stasis, hypoxia and acidosis, due to indirect and less direct exposure to tissue radiation. Healing was occurs without visible scarring.
Increasing the exposure to 2 seconds at 10 W power was lead to increased alteration in all tissues at the cell and tissue levels. The ulcer had been appear on the surface of the skin, the number of derma appendages and the thickness of all three types of tissue being studied there had been reduced. In all tissues, the reduction of vessels, were seen the braking of fibroblastic reactions compared with the control. These changes may be useful in onkology -surgery.
Longer duration of the laser radiation (15 sec) of low power (group 3) with intramural effect can reduce the volume of muscle tissue. This effect can be used in gynecology when treating fibroma.
Further research will focus on the effects of other surgical lasers with a wavelength of 0.81 microns, 0.97 microns, 0.94 microns.
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