• Л. Г. Комаха
Keywords: rhetoric, logic, argumentation, science, economics, evidence, fact


The article examines the arguments system of American philosopher D. McCloskey; the necessity of recognition of the economic science as rhetoric is based on them. It is analyzed the philosopher’s position about economic science that serves primarily as rhetoric – the art of convincing. Different sciences use in their studies rhetoric as a method to prove their position. Rhetoric in science defiantly claims his goal, using some form of argument. Rhetoric in science defiantly claims its goal, using some forms of argumentation. Examples of application of rhetorical techniques in economics show positivity of this approach. Rhetoric actively uses tools, common methods and ways of argumentation that shows the difference between the current methodologies and the methods of modernism. The article stated that the arguments that defense rhetoric of the economy led to a rethinking of many provisions of the principles of scientific knowledge and identified its new opportunities as well as its political, social and cultural activities.


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How to Cite
Комаха, Л. Г. (2016). SCIENCE AS RHETORIC IN THE ARGUMENTS OF «RHETORIC OF ECONOMY»: METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Philosophy. Philosophical Peripeteias", (53), 35-39. Retrieved from