Keywords: -, Mamleev, Abyss, Absolute, nondualism, I-utrism, Rene Guenon, Vedanta, Eternal Russia, metaphysical realism


The article is devoted to the genesis, dynamics, and ontological problem of Mamleev`s doctrine of the Abyss. The author identifies five reasons for the emergence of such an extraordinary doctrine: the crisis of the 20th century and underground philosophizing, rootedness in Russian culture and Mamleev`s national self-identity, the influence of oriental metaphysics and integral traditionalism, artistic origins of Mamleev`s way of thinking and the connection between philosophy and literature, Mamleev`s mystical experience and his spiritual insights. Considering the dynamics of the doctrine of Abyss, the author of the article points out three stages of its development: formation of I-utrism as an opportunity to preserve the personality in the form of a higher I upon reaching the Absolute; enlightenment the depths of the invisible layers of space and creating the "Last Doctrine"; revealing the idea of Eternal Russia as a mediator between the Absolute and the Abyss. In addition, the author of the article examines the possibility of reconciling radicalism Mamleev's I-utrism with his own doctrine of Eternal Russia. Reconciliation becomes possible precisely within the context of the dynamics of Mamleev's doctrine of the Abyss. Studying the ontological problem of the ratio of the Absolute and the Abyss, the author notes, that at the metaphysical level, which is esoteric in nature, the Absolute and the Abyss are identical and cannot be conceived separately. However, at the religious level, which is exoteric in nature, they can be opposed to each other. Wherein, the transcendence of the Absolute is regarded as given to man and which can be attained, and the transcendence of the Abyss regarded as not given to man and as fundamentally unattainable. The author of the article concludes that consideration of the genesis and dynamics of Mamleev's doctrines can be helpful in understanding and solving the paradoxes, which arise when the Abyss is introduced into traditional metaphysics.


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Author Biography

Semen Honcharov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; 6, Svobody sqr., 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine

PhD Student, Faculty of Philosophy


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How to Cite
Honcharov, S. (2021). "ABYSS" BY YU. V. MAMLEEV: GENESIS, DYNAMICS OF DOCTRINE, ONTOLOGICAL PROBLEM . The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Philosophy. Philosophical Peripeteias", (64), 70-90. https://doi.org/10.26565/2226-0994-2021-64-7