• Nataliia V. Chumak Kharkiv State Higher School of Physical Culture № 1; 3, Frontovs str., 61070, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: the first metaphor, gesture, non-verbal communication, symbol, semiology


Non-verbal speech is a kind of metaphorical colouring of verbal language as it can give the language rich emotional substance as well as to pass the information that word function is not able to give. The metaphor is reflected not only in language but also in thinking and acting. The determination of gesture as the first metaphor is actual in the process of studying the non-verbal language meaning and role in culture, communication and self-knowledge. The metaphor predestination expressed via the gesture or body language consists in transition the hidden internal content of information. Gesture as the first metaphor equivalent creates the effect of maximum presence. Such gestures can be called ontological that means transferring the sense and meaning of event and entitled to be brightly emotionally coloured that makes them universal and clear for any language culture representative. Equivalent gestures are the reflection of that first natural language first people talked before the verbal language barrier appeared. The metaphorical gesture as the most important element of somatic language becomes the important factor in the process of communication allowing to understand the inner spiritual world of communicator. Gesture basis as the first metaphor is the archaic conscience. Gesture as the conscience of the first metaphor allows to discover the psychological and biological elements of anthropology. The body language was the natural language of communication. Imitating the nature and many natural phenomena the human being was understood by all his tribe members. Codified gesticulation as the prototype of metaphorical somatic language is imprinted in painting where artist by means of portrayed gestures transferred not only the human being spiritual state but also the spirit of the age. The gesture metaphoric is inherent in national culture. Knowing the national character it is not difficult to recognize the ethnical origin of communicator via gesture communication. The national metaphoric of gesture language is attributed to historic and cultural processes which determine the worldview and communication style. However in case of body and gesture language expression in national character their culture conditionality and dissimilarity should be pointed out. The gesture basic purpose in communication is the manifestation and presentation of human being inner world and spiritual condition. One of gesture functions as the first metaphor is its symbolism. The gesture language semiology is present in different spheres of communicative process: from the professional gestures symbols up to domestic ceremonial esthetics. Gestures-symbols are divided into universal for all the cultures and specific ones which are understood only by certain subculture as the language of hidden information. Gesture as the first metaphor serves to universalization of non-verbal communication and encourages the communication enriching and gives it colouring, emotionality and the unity of perception of transmitted information.


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Author Biography

Nataliia V. Chumak, Kharkiv State Higher School of Physical Culture № 1; 3, Frontovs str., 61070, Kharkiv, Ukraine





How to Cite
Chumak, N. V. (2018). GESTURE AS THE FIRST METAPHOR OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Philosophy. Philosophical Peripeteias", (59), 121-127.