Competence of the cartographic literacy of schoolchildren: essence and methodological foundations of the formation

Keywords: cartographic literacy, cartographic method, methods of working with a map, teaching geography, methods of teaching geography, school geography, subject competencies of pupils


The purpose of this article is to characterize the theoretical foundations of the cartographic method in school geography and to highlight the competencies of schoolchildren’s cartographic literacy, the analysis of teaching methods for the formation and development of cartographic literacy of schoolchildren in the process of studying geography.

The main material. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the elements of cartographic literacy of pupils, which is formed when studying geography at school. As such elements, not only theoretical knowledge of schoolchildren about the map, but also practical skills to work with the mathematical basis of the map, cartographic image, conventional signs, carry out measurements on the map, and find geographical coordinates are highlighted. Cartographic competencies higher level of pupils are the ability to analyze geographic objects using maps, determine their dynamics, make geographic forecasts, models, apply a map when conducting geographic expertise and design. At the same time, attention is focused on the fact that the competences of cartographic literacy of schoolchildren are initially formed at the initial stage of studying geography at school, and will be claimed and developed throughout the entire geographical education. Cartographic literacy of schoolchildren is based on the use of maps for studying objects and phenomena displayed on them. Its elements are consistently and systematically formed and developed in geography lessons and are of practical importance both in the educational process and in everyday life. Traditionally, in the process of teaching geography, tasks associated with determining the geographical coordinates of objects, measuring distances and orientation on the map are used. In order to increase the creative focus in the study of geography, you can use design tasks based on the use of maps, methods of cartometry and morphometry, modeling of geographical objects, solving tasks of a problem character.

Conclusions and further research. These tasks of cartographic subjects significantly expand the competencies of schoolchildren and their horizons, increase the interest in the academic subject and introduce the creative component into the educational process. Further research may be related to the determination of the most effective methodologies for the development and expansion of the cartographic competencies of schoolchildren both in geography and extracurricular activities.


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Author Biography

Sergey Alexandrovich Sukhinin, Don State Technical University

Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department «Economics»


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How to Cite
Sukhinin, S. A. (2019). Competence of the cartographic literacy of schoolchildren: essence and methodological foundations of the formation. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (29), 87-95.