Content peculiarities of teaching geography in the scientific and pedagogical project «Intellect of Ukraine»
The article reveals the search, achievements and prospects of the scientific and pedagogical project «Intellect of Ukraine» through the subject of geography. Possibilities to use the world experience of work with academically capable and gifted students on the basis of meritocratic education are analyzed. The structure of the lesson in the project classes is shown. It is planned to study geography on the basis of a systematic approach with a strengthened country-specific component. The article illustrates the content features of teaching geography in project classes. It is expected that notebooks with printed materials and educational and methodical support will be used in the classroom. The tasks are various in form, type and level of complexity. Examples of home, control and generalizing tasks are given. The article shows the element of homework as a repetition of the key concepts of the lesson on the method «balloons for adults». The last lessons of the semester are in the form of the game «Olympic races». Carrying out non-standard lessons and methods of pedagogical techniques in the classroom promotes creativity of students and development of intellectual abilities. The use of notebooks with a printed basis on geography in the project has proved their effectiveness.
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