Digital culture as a basis for successful digital transformation of enterprises

Keywords: Digital transformation, digital culture, digital literacy, digital maturity, Industry 4.0, leadership in the digital economy, digital congruence, strategic business development


The concept of digital culture as a foundational element of successful digital transformation is explored through a fractal framework encompassing macro, business, and organizational levels. The article identifies key tasks for promoting digital culture, including the enhancement of digital literacy, the integration of organizational culture within the digital context, and fostering a culture of technological entrepreneurship. The research highlights the critical role of digital culture in creating value through transformational technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and big data, while emphasizing the challenges organizations face in adapting their cultural frameworks to digital requirements. Insights are provided into the integration of digital culture with leadership, resource development, and knowledge organization, showcasing its impact on digital maturity and competitive advantage. The discussion covers the role of digital congruence in enabling effective collaboration within ecosystems, the necessity of addressing digital divides, and the use of reverse mentoring as a method to enhance digital competencies. A focus is placed on how digital culture reshapes business processes and values to align with the demands of Industry 4.0. The study underscores the significance of fostering digital culture as a strategic imperative for enterprises aiming to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital economy. Recommendations include frameworks for assessing digital maturity, promoting digital literacy, and aligning organizational values with digital transformation goals.


Author Biographies

Olga Petrykiva, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Timur Malafieiev , V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Petrykiva, O., & Malafieiev , T. (2024). Digital culture as a basis for successful digital transformation of enterprises. FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SYSTEMS: PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT, 4(15), 181-189.
Management of financial and credit systems and the socio-humanitarian component