Conceptual changes in banking sector architecture in modern conditions
Introduction. Modern trends in globalisation and digitalisation have a significant impact on the architecture of the banking sector, requiring the adaptation and transformation of traditional banking models. The rapid development of financial technologies, the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, changing regulatory requirements, and changes in consumer behaviour require a review of the conceptual framework of banking institutions.
Purpose, objectives and research methods. The purpose of this study is to determine the conceptual changes that are taking place in the architecture of the banking sector under the influence of modern technological, economic and social changes.
The object of the study is the banking sector as part of the financial system, which is undergoing changes under the influence of global economic processes, innovative technologies and regulatory reforms.
The study used such methods as comparative analysis and system analysis. To obtain qualitative results, an analytical review of financial and economic literature and the regulatory framework on the architecture of the banking sector was conducted.
Research results. The study showed that the modern architecture of the banking sector is undergoing significant changes under the influence of digital technologies and innovations. One of the key trends is the integration of financial technologies, which allows banks to optimise their operational processes, increase the efficiency of risk management and improve the quality of customer service. Banks are actively implementing artificial intelligence to automate processes, blockchain to increase transparency and security of transactions, and big data to analyse customer behaviour and make decisions. At the same time, new challenges arise from cybersecurity, regulatory changes, and competition from non-bank financial institutions.
The practical value of the results is that the analysis allows banking institutions and regulators to adapt to new conditions more effectively. The findings can be used to optimise banking activities, improve internal processes, develop new financial products and strengthen resilience to risks arising from constant changes in the market.
Conceptual changes in the banking sector's architecture are defining new approaches to management, development strategy and service delivery. Digitalisation has become an integral part of banking activities, forcing banks to review their business models and actively invest in technological innovations.
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