Improving the process of management and evaluation of the bank's personnel
The article examines the improvement of the process of evaluating the personnel of commercial banks, the relevance of which is due to the modern challenges of management development in the conditions of the constant development of technological innovations and economic changes. A modern approach to bank personnel management requires effective personnel management, as qualified and motivated specialists are the basis for the competitiveness of any organization, including a bank. In the conditions of innovative transformation, it is the digitalization of banking services that requires adaptation in the field of management. Digitization and automation of processes in banks create new challenges for the personnel management and evaluation system, necessary adaptations to innovative technologies and new formats, and methods of interaction, both with the client and with colleagues. The development of competences in the field of digital technologies, analytical thinking, and adaptability to the process of continuous learning becomes important.
The meta-research was carried out in the general theoretical foundations of the organization and evaluation of the bank's personnel, the analysis of evaluation practices and the development of recommendations for improving the effectiveness of personnel management. The object of the study is the process of bank personnel management in commercial banks. Research methods used in the work include theoretical generalization to study and systematize theoretical approaches to evaluation and personnel management; a systematic approach to analyzing the management structure; a graphic method for the purpose of summarizing statistical data and their analysis; mathematical statistics and modeling - for calculating the main indicators with the calculation of their further evaluation and interpretation. According to the results of the research, the key barriers to effective personnel evaluation were determined, the obsolescence of traditional methods, insufficient understanding of the importance of evaluation, and the adaptation of the system to new digital tools was observed. Recommendations for the use of digital solutions to increase the objectivity, transparency, and flexibility of evaluation are offered.
The practical value of the obtained results of the sector leads to the formation of stable and systematic methods of research aimed at increasing the productivity of employees, identifying areas of development and growth, to increase their competencies and competitiveness in the conditions of dynamic changes in the banking fund.
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