Lending in the banking system under the conditions of marital state

Keywords: banking, loans, non-performing loans, loan portfolio, NBU


The banking sector is one of the most important components of the financial sector. The development of the credit services market is one of the indicators of the economic development of any country. Thanks to credit operations provided by banks, legal entities and individuals can attract additional monetary resources for their needs. Due to the corona crisis, banks around the world suffered certain losses. In 2022, Ukraine faced new challenges due to a military invasion that caused an economic crisis. However, the banking system of Ukraine continues to operate efficiently despite the risks and crisis situation.

The article examines the basis of the problem of bank lending. It was determined that with the increase in the volume of loans granted, the number of loans not returned by borrowers also increases, which in turn leads to a lack of monetary resources and, as a result, affects the level of interest rates on loans. It is indicated that one of the reasons for the increase in loan rates is the attraction of expensive resources. It is suggested that commercial banks of Ukraine control these risks, which will make it possible to ensure the quality of the credit portfolio. Also, a significant problem in the field of bank lending is defined as the lack of legal support for its implementation.


Author Biographies

Yuliia Halushko, Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin

candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer

Nuraya Melikova , JSC "UKRSIBBANK"

financial consultant


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How to Cite
Halushko, Y., & Melikova , N. (2024). Lending in the banking system under the conditions of marital state. FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SYSTEMS: PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT, 1(12), 7-14. https://doi.org/10.26565/2786-4995-2024-1-01
Banks of the present and the future