The article examines the importance of management technology in ensuring sustainable competitive advantages of the bank. The evaluation of the competitiveness of competitor banks was carried out using a method that, unlike the existing ones, allows taking into account the evaluation of technological parameters, which in modern conditions has a significant impact on the competitiveness of banks.
According to the results of the competitiveness assessment, it was established that modern clients of banking institutions expect convenience and speed in interaction with banks, in view of this, the parameter "technological provision of services" has a significant impact on the level of the bank's competitiveness, and should be taken into account in the formation of the bank's competitive strategy. the work is devoted to the justification of the feasibility of using management technologies aimed at ensuring the automation of the bank's business processes, the advantages of their introduction and the impact on the bank's competitiveness are highlighted. Based on the application of the method of functional modeling and the construction of a cross functional flow chart, a study of the bank's business processes was carried out, a graphic model of the "lending" business process was built, the operations of the business process, their executors, and the connections between them were detailed. On the basis of the research, "bottlenecks" and reasons for the inefficiency of the "crediting" business process were identified. On the basis of the functional-cost analysis, the economic efficiency of the application of management technologies aimed at ensuring sustainable competitive advantages of the bank by calculating the time spent on the execution of the business process has been proven, and the recommended number of employees necessary for the execution of the business process has been established. It is substantiated that the application of management technologies aimed at ensuring the automation of the bank's business processes will contribute to the development of sustainable competitive advantages by simplifying and accelerating the processing of applications, increasing the number of loans issued, which will lead, accordingly, to an increase in bank profits.
The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical foundations and develop practical recommendations for the development of bank management technology in order to strengthen its competitive advantages.
In order to achieve the goal, the following research methods are used in the article: functional modeling in the notation "Cross Functional Flow Chart" (diagram of tracks) - for modeling the business process of granting a loan; the method of functional and cost analysis - for the purpose of researching the effectiveness of the implementation of the proposed measures.
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