• A. P. Ivashin National Sciense Centre “Kharkov institute of physics and technology”
  • Yurii M. Poluektov National Sciense Centre “Kharkov institute of physics and technology” https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3207-3226


The vortex structure in a space-homogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate of two particle species with different masses has been studied. It is shown that the vortex structure in the two-component condensate is described by three dimensionless parameters, which define the system. That is different from the usual one-component condensate, where the vortex is described by a parameter-less dimensionless equation with a fixed structure. A few types of vortices with different qualitative structure are explored. In particular, it is shown, that the vortex structure strongly depends on the sign of “interaction” constant of the components. There can exist the super-density vortices, when the “interaction” constant is positive. These vortices have the near-axis density greater than the equilibrium density of a homogeneous space Bose-Einstein condensate. We show that there can exist the vortices with opposite direction of the condensate rotation near the axis and far off the axis.



Біографія автора

Yurii M. Poluektov, National Sciense Centre “Kharkov institute of physics and technology”


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Як цитувати
Ivashin, A. P., & Poluektov, Y. M. (2014). ON THE VORTEX STRUCTURE IN TWO COMPONENT BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE. Східно-європейський фізичний журнал, 1(3), 104-111. https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-4334-2014-3-12