• Volodymyr N. Dubina V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, Department of Physics and Technology31 Kurchatov av., Kharkov, 61108, Ukraine


Procedure of particle type definition in mixed signal detectors was developed by the results of the device operation simulation and by the results of experimental processing of telemetry data arriving from the orbit. The procedure is based on calculation justification of predominately electron signal in the electron detection channel, lack of electron and gamma signals in the mode of measuring protons
in the energy range of 7.4-10.0 MeV, possibility to study the device operation in the range of an authentic proton flux when an electronic component is absent. The latter case allowed to confirm record of bremsstrahlung in the mode of high energy particle detection using the device when the satellite passed through the Brazilian magnetic anomaly (BMA). Basing on the characteristic properties of the electron and proton channels, an attempt was made to define the type of particles in the background fluxes. The simulation was performed using GEANT 4.7 package intended for designing nuclear processes of high-energy charged particles passage through the satellite spectrometer-telescope STEP-F. The programs were developed using C ++ and they work under control of OS RadHat LINUX 6.2 .



Біографія автора

Volodymyr N. Dubina, V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, Department of Physics and Technology31 Kurchatov av., Kharkov, 61108, Ukraine


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Як цитувати
Dubina, V. N. (2014). DEFINITION OF CONTRIBUTION AND TYPE OF PARTICLES IN MIXED SIGNAL DETECTORS. Східно-європейський фізичний журнал, 1(3), 95-103.