• Yurii A. Kasatkin Institute of Electrophysics & Radiation Technologies National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Chernyshevsky St, 28, P. O. Box 8812
  • V. Ph. Klepikov Institute of Electrophysics & Radiation Technologies National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Chernyshevsky St, 28, P. O. Box 8812
  • Pylyp E. Kuznietsov Institute of Electrophysics & Radiation Technologies National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Chernyshevsky St, 28, P. O. Box 8812


A method of constructing a covariant two-particle amplitudes photodisintegration nonlocal matter fields , satisfying the requirements of gauge invariance, which was a consequence of the properties of the inseparability of the electric charge on the mass and led to the harmonization of the laws of conservation actions 4 momenta and charge. Shown how to incorporate into the outer ends of the photon three-point function and strongly coupled top. On an example of disintegrate of 3He in the proposed approach have been calculated and were compared with experimental data. Predicted behaviour of the energy dependence of the Σ − asymmetry for the process γ 3H→nd at an angle neutron emission θn=90o.



Біографія автора

Yurii A. Kasatkin, Institute of Electrophysics & Radiation Technologies National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Chernyshevsky St, 28, P. O. Box 8812


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Як цитувати
Kasatkin, Y. A., Klepikov, V. P., & Kuznietsov, P. E. (2014). CONSTRUCTING RELATIVISTIC AMPLITUDE SATISFYING THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONSERVATION EM CURRENT AND FISSION 3He(3H). Східно-європейський фізичний журнал, 1(2), 40-52.