Solubility of Boron and Carbon in Ferrite of the Fe-B-C System Alloys

  • Natalia Filonenko State Institution “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine”, Dnipro, Ukraine; Z.I. Nekrasov Iron and Steel Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
Keywords: ferrite, solubility of boron and carbon, Fe-B-C system alloys


Investigation was carried out for Fe-B-C alloys with carbon content of 0.0001–0.01 % (wt.) and boron content of 0.0001–0.01 % (wt.), the rest is iron. To determine the structural state of alloys we use the microstructure analysis, X-ray microanalysis and X-ray structure analysis. The level of microstraines, dislocation density and the coercive force of ferrite is determined, and it is shown that structure imperfection grows with boron content increase in the alloy. The obtained results enable to suggest that boron atoms in a solid solution of α-iron occupy substitutional-interstitial positions depending on boron content. In the paper it is shown experimentally, that at room temperature solubility limit of boron and carbon in the ferrite is 0.00012 % (wt.) and 0.006 % (wt.). When boron and carbon content increases further, the following phases are formed: Fe2B, Fe3(CB) and Fe23(CB)6. In this paper by means of quasi-chemical method we obtain for the first time temperature dependence of the free energy for α-iron solid solution, as well as solubility limit of carbon and boron. Maximum mass fraction of carbon may be up to 0.016 % (wt.), and maximum boron mass fraction – up to 0.00025 % (wt.). At room temperature the boron solubility limit in ferrite is 0.0001 % (wt.), and carbon one is 0.004 % (wt.). The calculated numerical values of the solubility of boron and carbon in ferrite of the Fe-B-C system alloys are less than that of the experimental results. This can be explained by the fact that boron atoms interact more actively with structure imperfections than carbon atoms. At high temperatures the solubility of carbon and boron in given phase increases.


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How to Cite
Filonenko, N. (2019). Solubility of Boron and Carbon in Ferrite of the Fe-B-C System Alloys. East European Journal of Physics, (2), 52-57.