Effect of Heating of Charge Carriers and Phonons on The Contact Resistance of Rectifying Metal-Semiconductor Structures

Keywords: Potential barrier, Contact resistance, Temperature distributions of electrons and phonons, Electronic and phonon thermal conductivities, Nonideality coefficient, Peltier effect, Thermal size effects (TSE)


The dependence of the temperature of charge carriers and phonons on the contact resistance of the Schottky diode is calculated. It is shown that the increase in contact resistance depends on the current passing through the diode, the surface and volume heat transfer coefficients of electrons and phonons, barrier height, the dimensions of the diode, as well as scattering mechanisms, relaxation time of energy and momentum.


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How to Cite
Gulyamov, G., Umarov, K., & Soliyev, A. Z. (2024). Effect of Heating of Charge Carriers and Phonons on The Contact Resistance of Rectifying Metal-Semiconductor Structures. East European Journal of Physics, (3), 359-363. https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-4334-2024-3-42